
It's just how it is.

   Feb 16

Squishy Oatmeal Raisin Cookies – Recipe

So Aly Nate and I decided to bake some cookies today. We started gathering ingredients and I realized I was missing a few like eggs and baking powder so we decided to make a few adjustments along the way. In the end we were very pleased with our cookies.

Here is our recipe.


That looks like a 1/2 cup butter and it’s kinda soft.
1 unpacked cup of yellow sugar (because the store was out of brown).
1 prepackaged container of unsweetend apple sauce (about 1/3 cup).
1/2 tsp of (pre)tend vanilla (that’s what Aly calls it).
1/2 tsp cinnamon (and a little extra because Nate wanted to).
1/2 tsp kosher salt. (Why kosher I don’t know but I am told it is better for baking.)
1 (Not precise) cup of all purpose flour.
1 1/3 cups raisins (we use sultana raisin because they are cheap and my kids eat a lot, hence the extra 1/3 Nate added to the recipe).
1 1/2 cups quick oats (it should have been rolled oats but I didn’t have them in my cupboard so quick it was).



1. Preheat oven to 350°F.
2. Cream together butter and sugar (or mix it till it looks well mixed and you’re tired of waiting for it to cream.
3. Add apple sauce, blend until completely mixed.
4. Mix in vanilla, cinnamon, and kosher salt.
5. Now mix in flour (try not to mix to long) just until moist.
6. Finally add oats and raisins. Stir only until mixed in.
7. Place golf ball sized balls on an ungreased cookie sheet and gently smush down a little. I like to use parchment paper for easier clean up (and I seem to burn things less when I use it).
8. Bake for about 10 minutes or until they just begin to brown on the bottom.
9. Let cool for at least 5-10 minutes to set (and so you don’t burn yourself with tastiness).



   Feb 14

Thank you. # 124

Happy Valentines Day.

I don’t celebrate V-Day. It has just never interested me. It is over priced and commercialized. I still however appreciate  what it symbolizes.

I am thankful for my husband and the love that we have for each other. I am thankful to have some I love so deeply and who loves me.


   Feb 14

Thank you. # 123

Yesterday was a P.A. day for the boys and a bitter cold day. I was so glad to not have to take the kids out side in that weather. I am also thankful that the kids had a relatively good day with little yelling or fighting. The kids are very loud so I am thankful everyone had good day and that we were able to hide away from the weather.

   Feb 14

Thank you. # 122

Ok so this is a few days late because I spent time writing it and then it wouldn’t upload and then it got erased. I was so frustrated that I had to take sometime before I rewrote it. So here it goes again.

I am thankful for the chance to relax and do something for me. Today at my wellness class we were introduced to something called Zentangle. Now I will say I was very skeptical, I am not the type that is in to some of that free spirit stuff, to each their own but it’s not my style. That being said I was pleasantly surprised. A simple explanation of Zentangle is that it is an easy-to-learn, relaxing, and fun way to create beautiful images by drawing structured patterns. We had an instructor teach us some of the basic designs that are combined to make beautiful yet simple works of art.

I am thankful for the chance to be creative and to try something new.  Below is my Zentangle work of art.



   Feb 12

Aly’s Valentines Hair – 2015


   Feb 11

Thank you. # 121

Today I am thankful for feeling better. It is such a big thing to me to feel better it is so hard to take care of kids when it feels hard to stand. I was so exhausted and so sore. Thankfully though I woke up this morning feeling so much better. I am not completely better but I am definitely on the mend. I am thankful that I am feeling better.

   Feb 10

Thank you. #120

I am thankful for getting to see Cam grow into a little man. I was sick yesterday and today, unfortunately I had to go out shopping still. I had to take Aly and Cam with me to do the shopping. As we went into the store I told them that mommy was really tired and that I didn’t have the energy to have them misbehaving and needed them to help me. I guess Cam took it to heart, he was so well behaved (the best I have seen him) and so helpful. I am so thankful for his help and to see how much he is growing up.

   Feb 10

Thank you. #119

So I am day late on this post because I have been sick the last 2 days and I couldn’t get the enrgy to post and slept instead. So I am thankful for Frozen. I wasn’t feeling well and needed sleep but I had my 3 year old daughter at home to take care of. So I put on Frozen and her and I curled up and she watched Frozen while I slept. It was great. She was safe and happy and I was able to sleep. I just can’t imagine what people did with there kids before t.v. when they were sick.

   Feb 08

Thank you. #118

I am thankful for a mommy “snow day”. The weather outside was frightful so we decided to have a P.J. day. Sometimes it’s just nice to stay in comfy clothes  all day and to not go anywhere. It was so nice and I am so thankful for the rest.

   Feb 08

Thank you. # 117

Today my chosen family and many friends of theirs returned home from a fantastic journey to Israel. I am thankful for their safety in their journey and return trip. I am also thankful for all the beauty they witnessed and shared with others while on their journey.

Some of the story their journey can be found here.
I am so thankful they all had a wonderful journey and have returned home safe.