
It's just how it is.

   Nov 02

Overwhelmed by the underwhelming.

I have recently in all of my grand wisdom (insert snicker) come to realize that I am easily overwhelmed by things that don’t really mean a lot and should be easily over come. I will give you an example. I come home to a mess and I see that my house is a complete disaster. Rob sees that toys need picked up some dishes washed and some laundry folded and put upstairs. He isn’t worried and knows it will get cleaned. I on the other hand get caught up in ever detail that it starts to seem like an impossible task. I often see a “big picture” with an endless number of details. And that is when I get over whelmed and want to quit.

So I have decided that this is something I need to work on. I need to learn to asses things better brake them down in to components and not get caught up in the fine details.

The big problem is how to go about this change. It isn’t as easy as it may sounds.

Hmmm…..I think planing and praying for help are in my best interest.

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