
It's just how it is.

   Oct 17

Thank you. #5

I am thankful for a moments peace. I am lying in bed right now and it is a few minutes to midnight and I should be sleeping…but I am obviously not. Instead I am lying hear listening to the sounds of my house at night. If I listen careful I hear Aly tossing and turning in her bed (yes even asleep she is on the go), I hear the dog moving to her dream, I hear Rob snoring (that I would be okay with out), and I hear cars and the odd train pass by outside. In these moments everything is right. It doesn’t matter that the dishes might not be finished or the million loads of laundry that are waiting for me. Right now every one is safe and happy and healthy. This is my moment to enjoy all that has happened and to leave for tomorrow all that will happen.I can just breath and be thankful for my piece of peace.

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