
It's just how it is.

   Dec 05

Thank you. #53

I am thankful for personal strength. Not the type that you work at and build. Instead the kind that you don’t know you even have till it has just become a part of who you are. This may sound vague but I don’t want to go into to much detail. Sometimes things happen in our life that are unexpected and we are unprepared for but when we rise to these occasions we find strengths we didn’t know we had but if these events continue on some of these strengths become a part of what makes u who we are and stay to shape how we approach other things in life. I discovered one such strength yesterday. It shocked me at first to see it. It is strength I didn’t always have but that I now know will stay with me. It makes me proud and happy and thankful to know what I (and my family) have faced and where it has brought us and who it has made us.

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