
It's just how it is.

   Jan 23

Thank you. #101

I am thankful for friends that can be trusted, loved, loyal…. The type of friends who no matter how far away or how long since you last spoke or what has happened will be there in a heart beat if you need them. The type of friends that you would do anything for. Those friends who will not let you go throuh hell in back with out being at their sides. I am blessed to have a few of these friends. I won’t say who here but I am sure they know who they are. One of them I have known for more then half my life. Another I have only know for 3 years. Others range in the middle. These people are more then just “a friend”. They are chosen family and I am so thankful to have them and to be remind daily that they care about me in return. I love you all and thank you for being you and I am so thankful to have you in my lives.

Friend Collage

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