
It's just how it is.

   Jan 29

Thank you. #106

Okay so I am falling behind. I don’t know if it is the weather or something else but I find myself very tired lately and by the time the kids are in bed I just don’t have the energy to do much so I am playing a bit of a ketchup game here today. Sooo…

I am thankful for the chance to spend time at the boys school, to get to see them at school, to know there teachers better, to help support the school, and to be a part of the school community. The school runs a preschool mom and tots program 3 days a week so I have been trying to take Aly sometimes. They preschool program is held in a class room across the hall from Nate’s classroom. I love it, I get to “spy” on him and see how he is doing. I am thankful for the time spent being apart of the school.

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