
It's just how it is.

   Dec 05

Advent calender day #5.

Do you remember those bouncy balls that are in vending machines. People around my age I am sure had a few at some point in their childhood. Well that was todays advent surprise. I know not that exciting but wait….there’s a twist…. It was actually a make your own….do it yourself….bouncy ball kit. The other day while wandering the dollar store I saw this “make your own bouncy ball kit”. I stared at it for a few minutes wondering what had to be done to make it? But there were no instructions on the box. It said it only took ten minutes to make. I debated back and forth on weather or not I should get it for the boys and finally decided why not. I was only a $1.25 and they could make it with Daddy. So tonight they opened up door 5 to find a note that said “Look where the pots go.” and off they went in search of their prize. At first when Rob saw it he snubbed his nose at it and wasn’t interested but I told him to do it any way. After just a minute or two all three boys were huddled around creating their wonderful little project with big grins on their faces. Rob sat puzzling over how exactly their ball would form out of this powder that had come in the kit. It was so much fun to watch them enjoy this time.

Here is their creation.

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