
It's just how it is.

   Jan 11

Begin ag’in.

This week I began working out again. My goal (I am starting small) is to work out 4 days a week for a minimum of 30 minutes. Also to walk Cam to and from school everyday (except when I have schedule conflicts like Nate’s school days). We may not live far but two trips a day to and from Cam’s school with 3 kids is a work out. I intend to get back into shape and raise my stamina levels but for now my goal is just to get back into the routine of working out on a regular basis and to once again give exercise some priority in my life. So I decided with Cameron returning to school and all of us returning to routine after the Christmas Holidays that now was a good time to begin. I have to say though after only two days of working out and some extra walking added in I. AM. SORE. My body does not agree with the whole working out plan. It is rebelling and screaming at me with pain. My legs, behind and back muscles are all yelling at me. Oddly enough I like it. It means what I am doing is working and will help me to achieve my physical goals. Now I just need to keep going.

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