One year ago Nate played with food coloring and well….
…This is the mess I found. So this year I thought it should be my turn to play with some. Although I didn’t make AS Big a mess.Today at Cam’s school it was anti-bullying day and kids were asked to wear pink to show your support against bullying. Cam had said he wanted to wear pink. I realized as I was putting him to bed last night that I had forgotten to go an buy him something pink to wear. So I had a great idea. I would take a white t-shirt…
…and mix it with beet juice. I figured every time I have spilled beet juice on my clothes it had stained. We had just so happened to have had beets with dinner so we had beet juice left over. However beet juice didn’t work as well as I had hoped. Instead of being pink it just looked dingy.

Attempt #1 with Beet Juice.
However the beet juice did dye part of my arm.

Beet Juice works better on Skin.
So I decided to try again using red food coloring. At first I thought it had worked a lot better. It seemed a lot brighter.

Attempt #2 with Food Coloring.
It had also done a better job of dying my skin.
After finally being washed clean off all of the excess dye and dried this was the out come.

The Final Product.
Cam was proud to wear his pink t-shirt to school even if he doesn’t fully understand what bullying is.
Today was also Rare Disease Day…
…and Rob and My 3rd anniversary. This past Sunday we were treated to lunch in Celebration so tonight being a week night we couldn’t do much so we went to Burger King with the kids and D8vid for Whopper Wednesday. It seemed fitting though. The day we were married (February 29, 200) we went after our “wedding” to dinner at McDonald’s so this Anniversary we had Burger King instead. It was a nice evening out and they have a little play area so we were able to send the boys off to play and have a little break.