
It's just how it is.

   Mar 05

A thought to ponder.

Tonight I watched a Canadian film called One Week. It posses the question what would you do? The funny thing is before the movie was even over and I thought about it consciously  I found myself searching the web and trying to find info on things I want to do in life before it is to late, places I want to go. At about half way into the movie I realized that my subconscious had taken over and was all ready pondering that question. So WHAT do I want to do when it comes down to the line. I want to travel. I don’t have a destination set in stone. What I do have is a want to see at least a small part of this world through a car window. I want to take my children on road trips and see just a fraction of this world so that I can help them to understand how large it really is. I want to pick a direction and just throw planning to the wind and just drive and if something catches our interest THAT is where I want to go. I want to see what can be found when you aren’t looking because you are lost.

It wasn’t an amazing movie. There were no bells or whistles. It did however make me think and that is an amazing gift.

So. My question for you is…


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