
It's just how it is.

   Feb 06

Day 1.

Aly’s toilet training adventure: Day 1.

I have decided to journal toilet training Aly. I won’t write every day but I will the first few days as a way to track how she is doing and to vent if I need to. I guess this wasn’t really day 1 for her that was really back about 11 months ago when I started introducing her to the toilette. It was nothing big I would just let her sit on it so that she wouldn’t be afraid of it later. I also started a few weeks back sitting her on the toilet when ever she wakes up and at bed tie to encourage her to pee in the toilet. However today was the day when we switched to underwear and stopped using diapers (except when she is sleeping).

So today we made the switch and she did great. She used the toilet 4 times and she had 2 accidents but both were very small. I am so excited by how well she is doing. Yeah Aly!

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