
It's just how it is.

   Aug 16

It’s the pits!

So on Thursday I went to the farmers market and while walking around I gave the boys plums to eat (they love them). After a couple of minutes I asked them for the pits and Cam gave me his and Nate just told me “Gone”. I figured he had droped it on the ground. Friday we had clinic visit down town and everything seemed great. We left and went to eat some lunch before heading home. I gave Nate another plum and then turned away to get my lunch. When I turned back the plum was gone, pit and all.  searched for it but couldn’t find it. I thought about going back to see if I could tell the surgeon but decided I would just wait and see what happened instead of seeming paranoid and find nothing. So home we went. No sooner did we walk in my mother in-laws house to pick up Cam(Nate’s brother) then Nate starts bursting at both ends. In about 30 minutes Nate over filled 2 diabers and threw up 3 times (large amounts). Being me and nowing something was wrong I inspected what had come out and found one plum pit had come up and one had gone down. I am amazed. I can’t believe he passed a plum pit with absolutely no tears. Heck he didn’t even seem to notice he had pooped nevermind the pit.

Unfortunately his BMs have been slow since Friday and he isn’t emptying all the way. I guess we just wait to see if it gets better or not. Until then we are doing what we can to keep things moving.Oh and I have banned him from any food with the pits/seeds still in.

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