
It's just how it is.

   Oct 22

Thank you. #10.

I am thankful for my van. This might sound shallow but let me explain. When we bought or van we weren’t planning to buy yet we were just pricing them out and the dealer says to me “I have your van” I told him we weren’t ready to buy but he talked me into just seeing it. (No harm done. Right?) I was 6 months pregnant with Aly and the idea of putting 3 carseats in a car seemed like torture. So I went to see this van and I was stunned it was exactly what I wanted (except the colour) and it was an AMAZING price. So we looked into the cost and financing and every thing just fell into place. It was mine (well ours). Fast forward 3+ years and this van has allowed us to do so many wonderful things. It has allowed me to do play groups with the kids that are not walking distance to home. To go on family trips and to visit loved ones. It allows us to move things like furniture. Also we have been able to help others move things. But best of all it has space beyond us to allow us to take others with us, to pack the 5 of us in and then to still have room to take a friend or two as well. This has allowed me so many joys like taking 5 kids (my 3 and 2 of my nieces) places like the park, play group, or the library.

So as I said I am thankful for my van and all the wonderful (and practical) things it has allowed my family an I to do.

P.s. I even learned to love the colour.

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