
It's just how it is.

   Sep 07

Off to a great start!

As for a lot of kids this was the first week of school for 2 of my 3 children. Now I am not a morning person so getting 3 kids up, dressed, fed, 2 lunches packed and out of the house before 8:30 is like torture to me. Last year (with just one to make lunch for) we were frequently late for school. We made 2 weeks out of the school year that we were on time every day and we averaged being on time about 3 days a week. Well this year I promised myself to change that. It is a bad habit I am giving my kids to be late all the time and not one I want them to have. So this year I decided to get up BEFORE everyone else and pack lunches then toget them up earlier. Well I after one (short) week of school I am very happy to say we have had success. We were on time everday this week. Yay! Now. Only 184 days left to go! Ugh.


Below are pictures of Nate’s first day of Kindergarten. Oh and one of Aly showing me her new rainboots. 🙂

   Sep 05

The big JK!

We are off to a great start day two of school and we have been on time both days the true test will be tomorrow when I have two back packs to get ready and two lunches to pack.

Today I took Nate for a getting ready for school hair cut. He looks so much older with his new hair cut.






   Sep 04

A great beginning.

Cam had a great first day back at school. When I picked him up at 2:10 (today was early release) the first words out of his mouth was “that day was to short”. He was so thrilled by his teachers and the other students.


Cam's first day back to school. September 4, 2012.

P.S. Today Nate’s belly was the best it has been in weeks.

   Sep 03

Hi Ho, Hi Ho…

…It’s off to school they go.

I am so excited to have Cam back at school. I think he is going a bit stir crazy. He is such a bright little boy that he craves learning. I think the summer brake has made him feel a little deprived of that learning. I have done a lot with him over the summer but it just isn’t the same as what he can get from school. I am so glad that he loves school so much. I just hope that Nate does too. Nate’s first school day is on Thursday and he is so excited to meet his teacher. I am sure he will love it no matter what happens.

   Sep 01

I am “that parent”.

Ugh. I am that parent. THAT PARENT whose child is out doing something like shopping and throws up on the department store floor. THAT PARENT whose child is still in diapers at almost 4 years old. THAT PARENT whose child will poop in their pants and have diarrhea spill out on the floor while out for dinner. THAT PARENT who gets a mix of pity and disgust from on lookers. I am so frustrated by this. By having to tell store clerks about it in order too clean it up. But more then anything I am heart broken and angry that Nate is now approaching the age where he is becoming aware of it. That he is beginning to notice the stares and here the comments. What do you do? How do I fix it? We are seeing doctors and trying to find a way to fix it but… what do we do in the mean time? Life is hard enough on a child’s self esteem. How does a child manage through something like this when even adults are a part of the problem? I expect kids to tease but when adults are looking down at the child or pitying them? How do they over come that? I find it so hard and I am not even the one going through it.

Sorry for the venting I am just very frustrated by the lack of bowel control Nate has and by the continuing complications Nate is having with his stomach.

   Aug 26

Baffling bloating. An update on Nate.

Nate will be four next month, where has time gone? Quick reminder. Nate was diagnosed at 8 months old with Hirschsprungs disease. He had a pull through with about 2/3 of large intestine removed. There were complications that lead to an ileostomy.He had a reversal at 11 months due to a prolapse (lot 6-10 inches of small intestine). He did okay after but still had troubles passing stool. At about 18 months we tried botox. It seemed to work well but with each new set of botox it worked less. The 4th and 5th time it didn’t work so we have stopped doing them. Nate has had EC at least 3 times sine his surgery and likely more. He suffers from daily bloating and sporadic vomiting. Which brings us to a month ago.

A month ago Nate got hand foot and mouth. Thankfully a mild case. However since then his body has been… well… acting off. It’s hard to explain. After HFM he started getting better for a few days. Then he got a fever, vomiting and diarrhea as well as bloating. His surgeon suggested putting him back on flagyl, He started to improve. The fever went away appetite and energy returned, after a few days the diarrhea cleared up. Then the diarrhea came back on and off and he vomited sporadically. He didn’t look sick but he wasn’t acting well and was still bloating. I started tracking his bloating by measuring his belly. At completely empty with no bloating his bely goes down to 51.5cm. Over the last 3 weeks the trend has been that in the morning Nate’s belly is at about 54cm and at night bloats to somewhere between 58 – 61.5cm. He looks pregnant. He almost never complains of pain. I don’t thin he even knows if it hurts. It is almost all gas.

Okay so Friday Nate’s appetite was down again. He refused to eat any diner and then threw up on an empty stomach (after vomiting belly measured 61.5cm). He was tired so we put him to bed and he was okay for the night. Then yesterday he woke up and began vomiting again and was lethargic. Enough was enough so I took him to Sik Kids ER. They did x-rays blood work. They started an IV because he was begining to dehydrate. The bowel showed dialation but not much stool. The blood work was fine. Nate finally stopped throwing up and was able keep food in. Sowe were sent home by a very baffeled doctor. We will be returning to do an upper GI contrast study. The ony thing Nate had yesterday was a little gatorade, apple juice 2 small freezies, 2 peices of bread with bp and 1 digestive cookie and by the time he went to bed he was bloated to 58.5cm.

Today Nate is energetic again although small apetite.

I am at a loss. Any ideas what might cause so much gas? Why he is bloating? Tests to ask the doctor to do? Any ideas at all? I feel so bad. It can’t feel nice being that bloated. In one day he will bloat up to 10cm. I have been measuring my other sons belly daily as well for cmparison and is he bloats more then 2cm he cries his belly hurts.

Sorry this is so long and thanks for reading any an ideas.

   Aug 15


I haven’t blogged in a while mostly just out of laziness but it is time to start back and record the goings on of LIFE.

WARNING!! Maybe a little graphic.

For the last week we have been dealing with the ups and downs that are Nate. His belly is acting off again. It all started a week ago. We jumped in the van right after dinner and went to his cousin Hailie’s soccer game. The boys had a great time running around and being goofy. On our way home about 2 minutes from arriving Nate threw up ALL over himself. We got home and got him cleaned up and then it started coming out the other way and his body flushed itself. The next day his belly became very distended reaching 60cm in diameter (52cm is flat for him). He was fevered, lethargic, no appetite and not able to pass stool on his own. I gave him a suppository and 2 hours later he finally passed some. The next day was the a repeat with another suppository. On Saturday Rob and I agreed to wait and see how he did on his own. His appetite was a little better in the morning but not normal and down by dinner. More time passed and finally on Sunday afternoon he finally had a movement on his own. But all is not right. Monday on he has had a lowered appetite, diarrhea (worse then normal) and a lot of bloating. Yesterday the bloating from gas got so bad that he was doubling over in pain. My poor boy. Today doesn’t seem to be any better. He is bloated again and so far no movements. We are at a loss/I am at a loss for what to do. We have started him back on antibiotics in case it is entrocolitis (an infection in the bowel) again and we have been in touch with his doctor to help keep an eye on it. But for now we just wait and hope that it will all be okay in the end. I am so worried. I am stressed and wondering if I am doing the right thing. I spend my time play the What If game and wondering if I am doing what is best. I just needed to share to someone. Anyone. Heck even no one. Even if this is never read I needed to share this. I am feeling very stressed out by all of this and how days like these will affect him when he has started school come next month.

My head is spinning. If you have read this, thank you. I just needed to vent.

I know there are a lot of diseases out there that are just as bad or worse and I feel for the people who suffer them and their family’s.

I can’t say it enough but on days like today I have to say it. I. HATE. HIRSCHSPRUNG’S!

   Jul 25

A Mc First.

List night Aly had her first taste of Mc Donald’s at age 13 months 1 week. She loved it. She didn’t share any with the dog. She ate every last bite. Her fist meal was a grilled chicken snack wrap (hold the sauce).


   Jul 06

Talk about slow to get the punch.

We start as kids to learn about jokes around the age of 4. I am sure as kid we’ve all told the joke “why did the chicken cross the road?” and when prompted we answer “to get to the other side.” I always thought of this joke in it’s simplest terms. The chicken had crossed the road. But today after about 28 years it was pointed out to me (by my husband) that there is also a darker joke hidden in that inocent kids joke. He said he had only just realized that the chicken had commited suiccide because he wanted to get to the “other side”.

I can’t believe it took me 28 years to finally get the joke.

   Jul 03

Summer holidays is off to a…

Well. I’d say it is off to a blah. I had plans to take the kids to a playground play group. I got them up. We got dressed ate and packed snacks and were out the door at 9am. We even got to play group 10 minutes early which for us is unheard of. When we arrvied I parked the car and was just looking around for people we knew when I heard a noise coming from Aly. A noise I unfortunately know to well being the mom of 3 lids (especially Naters). I jumped out of the van and ran around to her door but I was to late. She had thrown up ALL over herself and her car seat. So unfortunately to the disappointment of 2 little boys we had to leave play group with out playing and come home. NOT a great start to the summer.

To make up for it the boys have spent almost the entire day in the back yard. Aly well… she has spent almost the entire day in bed