
It's just how it is.

   Feb 07

Thank you. #116

I am thankful for the opportunity to see prayers answered for a friend. I won’t go into great details but she has been facing issues for a long time and today she got some answers and can now start a journey towards dealing with it. So far on her journey I have been a friend and an ear to listen. It is wonderful to see her prayers and those of the people around her answered. Her problems aren’t solved but the answer to her prayers has given her renewed strength to continue the journey.

   Feb 05

Thank you. #115

I sit here staring at the screen thinking over my day and trying to remember what thankful moments I had trying to come up with a “good one” to write about. Not that all thankful moments aren’t good but more because I don’t want to repeat myself to often. Then I looked at the count for today. 115. I less then a week I will pass by the 1/3rd mark. I have posted over a hundred times. When I started this I thought it would be a huge challenge. I am not a writer in fact I am dyslexic and find writing very challenging yet here I am at number 115 and I feel…like…I am accomplishing something. I don’t know how many people read this and really…it doesn’t matter. What matters is what this has given (is giving) to me. It allows me a moment to reflex on my day. It gives me a moment to breath. A moment to take it all in and just ponder the feelings that were involved and that evolved out of the days events.I am thankful for a shift of perspective. I am thankful for the growth and change I see in myself. I am thankful for the changes yet to come.

   Feb 04

Thank you. #114

I am thankful for the feeling of a good workout, especially after not having one for a long while. Thanks to mother nature our driveway was in big need of being shoveled so I went and did the shoveling. By the time I was done I was winded and sore and tired but I felt great. I felt like I had accomplished something and full of energy. I love that feeling and am thankful for the way a good work out makes me feel.

   Feb 03

Thank you. # 113

I am thankful for discovering new things. Tonight I learned the tasty art of cooking bacon in the oven. So tasty and no great splatter burns. It may sound silly but bacon makes me happy and I am 5 handful to cook it without getting injured.

   Feb 03

Thank you. # 112

I am thankful for 180.  I am thankful for things turning around and a bad start becoming a great end. Monday was a snow day. School busses were canceled and the weather was horrible, the change to routine through the kids off. It started very stressful. Then. Everything changed.  The snow calmed and moods improved.  I’m the end it was a great day of a movie with family, playing in the snow, science experiments, baking and more. I am thankful to have a great day.

   Feb 01

Thank you. # 111

I am thankful for the chance to have my kids form great memories of there family. Memories that they can keep with them even when one day they have kids of their own.


I am thankful for the joy of family time.

   Feb 01

Thank you. # 110

I am thankful for good endings. Today was a bit of a rough day. They happen with kids and my kids often feed off of the energy of their siblings so if it’s a bad day for one its a bad day for all. We made it through today a little bumped but not broken. We had a nice dinner and then I went off to a mom’s night out. It was so nice to relax and vent and just talk to like minded adults. It was a great way to end a rough day and for that I am thankful.

   Jan 30

Thank you. # 109.

I am thankful for poop!

Yep poop.

A few months back I met a mom on Facebook who son was having chronic constipation issues and she was looking for answers. Her stroy hit close to home for me and we have become fb buddies. She has over those weeks travel a difficult journey with her son and finally founds answers. He has hirschsprung’s, the same thing Nate has. Her Lil man went in to surgery yesterday. I am thankful to say that all went well and he is now recovering. I am also very thankful to say HE POOPED! I know a lot of people don’t fully understand this joy I feel but for me hearing he pooped brings tears to my eyes.

Thank God for poop!

I pray all the best for Lil man, mom and family in the next steps in their journey.

   Jan 30

Thank you. # 108

I am thankful for a bit of snow. I am not a winter lover and really like snow best left on the ski slopes and the mountains tops. That being said though a fresh snow fall is so beautiful and calming and peaceful. It also makes so many little faces still so brightly including my 3. I am thankful for the joys snow can bring.

   Jan 29

Thank you. #107

I am thankful for surprise family time. Tonight Rob got home from work early and we decided as a treat to take the kids over to Chuck E Cheese to enjoy some play time and then picked up some Swiss Chalet for dinner on the way home. IT was so nice to step out of routine and have some fun.



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